DragonRealms Settings for Genie: Changelog
- Config
- Plugins
- Scripts
On February 23, 2013, I updated the documentation for macros, aliases, triggers, substitutes, and scripts.
July 18, 2016
- BadSurprise.wav, Fear.wav, JustArrived.wav, OhYes.wav, Rimshot.wav, Soul.wav, Wawa.wav: new sound files (From Undertale)
July 7, 2016
- aliases.cfg: added: bowa (bow [player] alert), bowc (bow [player] courteous), bowe (bow [player] eyeroll), bowh (bow [player] head), bowk (bow [player] kneel), bowsl (bow [player] slight), bowsn (bow [player] sneer), gsc (get my sanowret crystal;gaze my sanowret crystal); changed: nc, ng, np, ns to nodc, nodg, nodp, nods, respectively (to prevent interactions with Geniebuff); added new window opener (ldp2); added Lich chat variable to comm alias; added lset (#var lncht $1); changed casting script used by head and scar healing aliases
- gags.cfg: removed instrumental performance gags, as the majority of this messaging now routes to the Atmospherics window
- highlights.cfg: added archery highlights; updated herb highlights
- macros.cfg: added Ctrl+Z ('\/$emote); added Ctrl+Alt+Z ('\}$speak \'\$emote); added Ctrl+Alt+N (;chat to $lncht); Shift+F1 (the gem pouch checking macro) now also checks wealth
- substitutes.cfg: updated herb/remedy subs
- triggers.cfg: private thoughts are now copied to the Log window; added token auction logging; added #parse Active Players to fix Frenemies bug; added trigger to stow sanowret crystal when lesson ends; lengthened mana class trigger from 1 second to 3 seconds; fixed issue with mana class not turning on in time for the mana.level triggers; fixed Marshal Order variable trigger; fixed bank balance logging triggers; remove throw retrieval trigger, as it was causing issues with Geniehunter)
March 13, 2016
- aliases.cfg: added new window opener (ldp)
- highlights.cfg: updated spell highlights
- substitutes.cfg: updated spell recognition subs. See documentation.
March 8, 2016
- triggers.cfg: updated to current version of Geniebuff triggers
March 5, 2016
- highlights.cfg: updated magical feat highlights
February 26, 2016
- aliases.cfg: added itun (invoke my tuner); added magical research aliases (rsch and rsch2); added srw (sheathe my $righthandnoun) and slw (sheathe my $lefthandnoun); gett/gett2 and putt/putt2 work for your containers and other containers, respectively; improved order of quick-loading combat windows (ldh and ldh2); renamed protect aliases to protc and protd (they were conflicting with spell settings); replaced specific instrument aliases with one universal instrument; separated phc into phcr and phcl (put right/left item harp case in my pack)
- gags.cfg: added more of other people's crafting and training
- highlights.cfg: added more transport highlights and sound alerts; added power perception highlights for mana tuners; added potency crystal status highlights; reduced case sensitivity of Prydaen highlights; updated spell highlights
- substitutes.cfg: improved and updated spell recognition subs
- triggers.cfg: added AutoMapper position triggers for stat training rooms; added Duskruin Arena triggers; added Duskruin Labyrinth triggers; improved raffle log window alerts; improved transport log window alerts; removed joust logging triggers (may replace in the future); added appraise focus and research statusbar
- variables.cfg: added secondcambrinth, secondcambrinth.capacity, maxcambrinth, maxcambrinth.capacity
September 16, 2015
- aliases.cfg: appfcs no longer gets the clockwork shark from your pack (it's unnecessary); gett and putt are no longer limited to your containers; svar will also SHOP after setting the variable
- highlights.cfg: added highlight and sound alert for WARNING; added Riftal Summons highlight; improved case insensitivity for Necromancer highlights; improved highlighting of "certain" appraisals; improved pickpocketing highlights and alerts; lightened Necromancer color
- macros.cfg: added Shift+F2 (analyze)
- substitutes.cfg: added support for Resonance to numerical appraisal subs; fixed a spacing issue with damage sub 17/23; added runestone subs
- triggers.cfg: added Obfuscation variable triggers; added Riftal Summons alert; assigned racial language subs to a trigger so that they are only used when looking at inventory and shop merchandise; fixed Guardian Spirit trigger; improved appraisal class trigger; improved mana statusbar clearing for NMUs and warded rooms; lightened Necromancer color for log window triggers
July 9, 2015
- aliases.cfg: removed or renamed aliases that were the same as spell abbreviations and other common commands. (These caused problems in some scripts.)
- highlights.cfg: removed arrival/departure highlights; fixed corpse highlight so that it only shows up in the "Also here" line; added to guild highlights
- macros.cfg: use of communication macros will now clear text input box (reduces mis-gweths, etc.); added shift+Escape (clears text input bar without aborting scripts); alt+F1 will now longer pause the skilldata script
- substitutes.cfg: added new draw strength values for bows to numerical appraisal subs; fixed appraise focus subs; fixed devotion sub; fixed racial item subs to prevent false matches
- triggers.cfg: fixed the following: alteration list alerts, auction, bank balance, and Guardian Spirit behavior
May 15, 2015
- highlights.cfg: added numerical mana highlights for the less refined mana scales seen by unskilled users
- macros.cfg: changed script abort macro (Escape key) to exclude the skilldata script
- triggers.cfg: removed knock gate trigger (conflicted with AutoMapper); fixed spell variable triggers to account for new login messaging; fixed Sentinel's Resolve trigger; added mastercraft instruction difficulty triggers
April 22, 2015
- substitutes.cfg: updated numerical appraisal damage scale to include "demolishing"
April 16, 2015
- aliases.cfg: added amrs (assess my race silently); added ars (assess race silently); added putprep (#var putpreposition $0); added preposition to put2
- gags.cfg: added more gags for other people's tailoring (class: opcrafting); improved foraging gags; improved raffle ticket gags; added horse atmospheric messaging
- highlights.cfg: made some guild highlights case-insensitive; adjusted colors of Order highlights; added more "relationship jewelry"
- substitutes.cfg: added runestone substitutes for room objects
- triggers.cfg: replaced throwing hammer trigger with variable trigger that uses the new "at feet" slot
February 27, 2015
- aliases.cfg: replaced many of the Empath wound taking aliases with scripts; Empath wound taking aliases will also close the Familiar window to keep you from missing the touch output; replaced "shelf" in vault aliases with "large shelf" (Premium accounts have additional shelves in their vaults)
- gags.cfg: added gags for other people's tailoring (class: opcrafting)
- highlights.cfg: added highlight for GM sends; added highlight for attunement regeneration from the blighted gold bracelet; added highlight for the new Empath spell of Absolution
- substitutes.cfg: fixed appraisal focus subs
- triggers.cfg: added justice variable triggers; fixed Gauge Flow spell variable trigger
February 2, 2015
- triggers.cfg: updated spell variable triggers
February 1, 2015
- aliases.cfg: Empath aliases will now close the Familiar window (having this window open hides the touch output from the main window)
- highlights.cfg: tweaked Order of the Black Fox color; updated Paladin highlights
- macros.cfg: fixed really broken file that was missing half of the macros
- triggers.cfg: added guild check to Glyph of Warding triggers; updated Paladin and Empath spell variable triggers; updated auction logging triggers; added alteration scroll alert; updated regex spacing
January 13, 2015
- aliases.cfg: added appfcs (get clockwork shark from my $pack;appraise focus clockwork shark); added rcc (rub my $0 with my cleaning cloth);changed dragon to drag1 and dragoff to drag2 to prevent errors
- gags.cfg: added other people's locksmithing gags (class: optraining)
- triggers.cfg: replaced bank balance tracking triggers that were missing from the last version; improved auction log window triggers
January 1, 2015
- gags.cfg: added gags for other people's crafting and foraging/collecting
- substitutes.cfg: fixed appraisal focus subs
- triggers.cfg: updated bank balance tracker subs
December 6, 2014
- aliases.cfg: added appf (appraise focus $0); added appfc (appraise focus check); added eta (take $patient everything); added etaq (take $patient everything quick); added get2 (get $0 from $get); added put2 (put $0 on $put); added puts (#var put $0)
- gags.cfg: removed atmospheric item gags (these should be sent to the atmospherics window); added other people's crafting gags (class: opcrafting); added other people's shark tooth gags; assigned other people's training gags to the class "optraining"
- highlights.cfg: updated teaching highlights to work with the new ASSESS TEACH subs; added highlight and sound alert for the end of an appraise focus bonus; removed sound alert from raffle results; condensed retreating highlights; added to Elven race highlights
- macros.cfg: fixed #goto macro
- substitutes.cfg: added ASSESS TEACH subs; added appraisal focus subs
- triggers.cfg: updated bank balance tracking triggers; fixed GameDate triggers; assigned alteration and raffle list triggers to the "list" class; made the "System Announcement" alert more noticeable
October 16, 2014
- gags.cfg: added atmospheric messaging for Adan'f blood warriors and Adan'f shadow mages
- macros.cfg: updated manipulate macros
October 11, 2014
- gags.cfg: added atmospheric messaging for Adan'f blood warriors and Adan'f shadow mages
- substitutes.cfg: fixed spacing issue with combat damage sub 17/23; fixed devotion sub 13/16; assigned devotion subs to the class "devotion"
September 19, 2014
- highlights.cfg: added more planetary gems (also known as "bleeding gems")
- macros.cfg: removed bugged last command macro (Ctrl + Return)
- triggers.cfg: removed bugged trigger for last command macro (Ctrl + Return)
September 13, 2014
- macros.cfg: added last command macro (Ctrl + Return)
- substitutes.cfg: added Azarael's crafting difficulty subs
- triggers.cfg: added trigger for last command macro (Ctrl + Return)
September 4, 2014
August 21, 2014
- gags.cfg: added Muspar'i atmospheric messaging; added to ashu hhinvi atmospheric messaging
- settings.cfg: increased roundtimeoffset to 1 second
- substitutes.cfg: fixed an error that was causing numbers not to be added to your current total stealth hindrance when it was the same value as your current total maneuvering hindrance
- triggers.cfg: added additional messaging to turn off spell trigger variables
July 29, 2014
- gags.cfg: added Isundjen conjurer atmospheric messaging; added to ashu hhinvi atmospheric messaging
- substitutes.cfg: updated numerical hit subs to scale provided by GM Kodius
July 21, 2014
- aliases.cfg: removed geniehunter aliases; added ldh (reloads hunting windows)
- macros.cfg: removed geniehunter macros
- triggers.cfg: trigger that attempts to put a warrior in aggressive mode and offensive stance (if you're an Empath)
July 18, 2014
- substitutes.cfg: Added support for elemental damage to numerical appraisal subs.
July 16, 2014
- triggers.cfg: Updated Analogous Patterns, Empath, and Paladin spell variable triggers for 3.1.
July 14, 2014
- macros.cfg: When reloading the map (ctrl + M), it will now echo your current location
July 7, 2014
- aliases.cfg: added quick to Empath take aliases
- gags.cfg: added river Elf gags for the bin in Langenfirth
- highlights.cfg: fixed case insensitivity of imperial highlights
- macros.cfg: added .hw (F6), .casth heal wound (shift + F3); .max refresh (shift + F5); .casth heal scar (alt + F3)
- substitutes.cfg: updated spell recognition subs to reflect current signature status of spells
- triggers.cfg: improved auction logging triggers; fixed mana variable triggers to recognize new Paladin mana messaging
May 24, 2014
- aliases.cfg: added rss (research status)
- highlights.cfg: added to combat highlights; added rss (research status)
- triggers.cfg: added Gauge Flow variable triggers
May 23, 2014
- aliases.cfg: dumpc (dump $0 in $container2); eti (take $1 all internals); ets (take $1 all scars); etu (#var patient $1;touch $patient;link $patient unity); if (invoke my $focusr); tph (link $patient hodierna); tphc (link all hodierna cancel); tpl (touch $patient;link $patient persistent); wrd (redirect all to $0); wrdc (redirect cancel); fc is now ic (invoke my $cambrinth); ish is now ".istatsh $0" (instead of the held item); tp is now "#var patient $1;touch $patient"; removed PHA fee script aliases
- highlights.cfg: updated spell highlights to Magic 3.1; fixed wound highlights; updated spell prep highlights; updated Empathic healing highlights
- substitutes.cfg: fixed numerical appraisal subs (construction); added Ranger bonus levels; removed spell recognition subs (only signature spells are included until I decide how to format them)
- triggers.cfg: added triggers to automatically save your last prepared spell as the $last.prepared variable; when using my casting scripts, the backfire log alert now says how much mana was used; added trigger to send SKILLS after gaining a new rank (updates TDP tracking)
March 23, 2014
- aliases.cfg: ish (.istatsh $righthandnoun) and showp (show my $righthandnoun to $partner)
- gags.cfg: added Market Plaza atmospheric messaging
March 16, 2014
- gags.cfg: added to ashu hhinvi atmospheric messaging
March 11, 2014
- aliases.cfg: added horse and jousting aliases; removed obsolete jadice flower alias
- highlights.cfg: added empathic shock alerts; fixed albredine highlights
- OrderNames.txt: new file
- triggers.cfg: added flash to whisper and speech alerts; added Thoughtcast alerts; added joust logging triggers
January 27, 2014
- highlights.cfg: added to Prydaen racial items
- substitutes.cfg: added numerical Empath touch/perceive health self subs; added "charovras" (Prydaen weapon) to racial language item subs.
- triggers.cfg: added sun and moon log window alerts; fixed trigger to set game time variables
January 12, 2014
- aliases.cfg: fixed Empath nerve healing aliases
January 9, 2014
- aliases.cfg: added is (.istats [item])
- highlights.cfg: added to order and magic highlights in the "rp" class
- triggers.cfg: added skillset placement triggers; added trigger to set GameTime variable from calendar;
- EmpathManaVariables.txt: new file
- PaladinManaVariables.txt: new file
January 1, 2014
- highlights.cfg: added to guild and race highlights in the "rp" class
- substitutes.cfg: added "kodavu charovras" (Prydaen weapon) to racial language item subs.
- triggers.cfg: added trigger to reset rank tracking after draining experience upon logging in; added triggers to set game time variables; fixed formatting of rare item tracking triggers
December 29, 2013
- aliases.cfg: added mdir (direction giving) alias
- highlights.cfg: added to brawling weapons
December 25, 2013
- highlights.cfg: added to brawling weapons
- triggers.cfg: fixed clearing of mana statusbar
- variables.cfg: organized list of variables that may be used in my settings
December 22, 2013
- aliases.cfg: added cbf (command broom to fly); added cbs (command broom to slow); added phc (put $lefthandnoun in my harp case); changed tl, tm, and tu to etl, etm, and etu, respectively (to prevent conflicts with Geniehunter)
- highlights.cfg: added more planetary gems (also known as "bleeding gems")
- macros.cfg: added Alt+N ($scriptname); added Alt+Ctrl+R ($righthand); replaced Alt+R (my.$righthandnoun) with $righthandnoun
- triggers.cfg: added Festival Announcement log window alert; improved auction log window alerts; updated mana statusbar trigger
November 15, 2013
- aliases.cfg: made separate aliases for running each of the two versions of Elanthipedia Shops (eshop.cmd and eshop2.cmd).
- gags.cfg: added more atmospheric jewelry messaging
- triggers.cfg: added Tweet log window alert; added auction log window alerts
October 30, 2013
- highlights.cfg: set spell sound alerts to the "rp" class. (I got tired of hearing them while hunting.)
October 16, 2013
- highlights.cfg: updated official order highlights
- macros.cfg: fixed hunting macros
- substitutes.cfg: updated racial item subs (final version)
September 25, 2013
- aliases.cfg: fixed HE and 2HE hunting aliases
- gags.cfg: added more planetary gems (also known as "bleeding gems") atmospheric messaging; added ashu hhinvi atmospheric messaging
- highlights.cfg: updated racial item highlights
- macros.cfg: added racial item class to combat/rp class toggles
- substitutes.cfg: added racial item subs (beta version)
- triggers.cfg: updated alteration sound and log window alerts
September 2, 2013
- substitutes.cfg: fixed error in appraisal damage subs
- triggers.cfg: updated mana statusbar
August 29, 2013
- aliases.cfg: fixed brawling aliases (analyzing for combos does not work with no weapon)
- highlights.cfg: updated sound alert for shifting
- triggers.cfg: updated sound alert for waiting lists
August 19, 2013
- gags.cfg: added instrument assessment messaging
August 5, 2013
- gags.cfg: added more planetary gem (also known as "bleeding gems") atmospheric messaging
- highlights.cfg: added another boat arrival highlight and sound alert
- substitutes.cfg: removed old herb subs; added mana subs for "mana above/below you"
- triggers.cfg: added raffle log window alerts; added another boat arrival alert
July 27, 2013
- aliases.cfg: removed shield removal from hbrawl alias; added la (look [name] all) and lf (look [name] features); added vman (#var manipulate [critter])
- gags.cfg: added more of other people's juggling; added gam chaga atmospheric messaging
- highlights.cfg: cleaned up combat highlights; fixed sand barge highlights and sound alerts
- triggers.cfg: fixed sand barge log window alerts
June 26, 2013
- macros.cfg: added Shift+Control+F1 (rummage in my)
June 21, 2013
- aliases.cfg: replaced lt with hlt (hunt with light thrown) to prevent conflicts with the Experience plugin
- gags.cfg: improved gags for other people's collecting; added gag for other people's climbing practice; added gag for bleeding grazhite
- highlights.cfg: added highlight and sound alert for coin flips
- triggers.cfg: added alteration list choices to log window; added flipped coins to log window; added janitor warning to log window; fixed bug with teaching status bar; improved wording of other log window alerts
May 31, 2013
- aliases.cfg: added command warrior to taunt (cwt)
May 21, 2013
- triggers.cfg: removed hospital backdoor triggers for shifting
May 16, 2013
- aliases.cfg: added nod gracious (ng)
- triggers.cfg: fixed $lastcommand trigger so that it does not fire repeatedly; fixed shop inventory logging triggers to work with Trader Shop Inventory Logger script
May 5, 2013
- aliases.cfg: added /trackreset (tr)
- highlights.cfg: fixed capitalization of "certain" appraisal highlights
April 29, 2013
- aliases.cfg: added .max heal scar (mhs); added put my $favorgod orb on altar (orb2)
April 19, 2013
- aliases.cfg: changed mana to gmana
- macros.cfg: added Ctrl+Shift+G macro for the #goto command
- triggers.cfg: added additional sand barge arrival/departure alerts
April 11, 2013
- highlights.cfg: updated spell highlights
April 7, 2013
- highlights.cfg: fixed slip alert regex; updated Free Empaths highlights
- triggers.cfg: fixed slip alert regex
March 30, 2013
- aliases.cfg: added stop climb (cs)
- highlights.cfg: added stealthy spell preparations
March 21, 2013
- highlights.cfg: added mammoth departure alert; added Free Empaths of the Crystal Tower
- triggers.cfg: fixed class trigger so that it won't listen to classes on Thievery
March 13, 2013
- aliases.cfg: updated Geniehunter aliases
- triggers.cfg: added triggers that set engagement range variable (melee, pole, or missile)
March 7, 2013
- aliases.cfg: updated Geniehunter aliases
- macros.cfg: updated Geniehunter macros
March 6, 2013
- aliases.cfg: updated Empath Geniehunter aliases
February 23, 2013
- aliases.cfg: added aliases for the new avoid touch flag; added aliases for releasing spells and held mana; added aliases for changing the behavior and stance of your warrior (Empath's Guardian Spirit spell); updated shop appraisal alias; renamed vault shelf aliases; removed obsolete aliases (ask avenger for leave and facepalm)
- highlights.cfg: updated tip and offer highlights and sound alerts
- macros.cfg: updated spell macros to work with updated spell scripts (that use global variables)
- substitutes.cfg: updated balance/power scale for appraisal subs
- triggers.cfg: added log window alerts for gifts, offers, and tips; updated Refresh spell trigger; removed obsolete spell triggers
February 15, 2013
- substitutes.cfg: changed Chastise to Rebuke (Paladin TM spell) to spell recognition subs
February 14, 2013
- substitutes.cfg: added Chastise (Paladin TM spell) to spell recognition subs
February 11, 2013
- triggers.cfg: updated Refresh variable trigger
February 10, 2013
- aliases.cfg: spell-casting aliases no longer specify mana amounts; this is now handled by global variables
- highlights.cfg: added missing Cleric and Moon Mage spell names; added spell preps; fixed wound healing highlights
- macros.cfg: spell-casting macros no longer specify mana amounts; this is now handled by global variables
- substitutes.cfg: added missing spell recognition subs; fixed error with Aesandry Darlaeth
February 4, 2013
- highlights.cfg: updated spell highlights for DragonRealms 3.0
- triggers.cfg: updated spell variable triggers for DragonRealms 3.0 and Geniebuff 3.0
January 27, 2013
- aliases.cfg: updated for DragonRealms 3.0
- highlights.cfg: updated for DragonRealms 3.0
- substitutes.cfg: updated for DragonRealms 3.0
- triggers.cfg: updated for DragonRealms 3.0
December 31, 2012
- highlights.cfg: updated spell names for Empaths and Paladins 3.0
- substitutes.cfg: updated spell recognition subs for Magic 3.0
December 27, 2012
- macros.cfg: added #mapper reset to Ctrl+G (#goto) to reduce movement errors
- substitutes.cfg: fixed dev[ae]stating error in messaging
- triggers.cfg: added Moongates to log window
December 14, 2012
- triggers.cfg: remove the "paladin" class from the Divine Armor spell trigger
December 12, 2012
- default.layout: fixed the default layout file
December 11, 2012
- substitutes.cfg: added support for held (and seen from a distance) armor to hindrance subs (i.e., "you could expect your maneuvering to be X and your stealth to be Y")
December 9, 2012
- highlights.cfg: added new spell preps to highlights
- substitutes.cfg: updated appraisal subs for 3.0
- triggers.cfg: added rank log trigger
- variables.cfg: replaced missing variables template
November 19, 2012
- gags.cfg: added more juggling messaging
- highlights.cfg: added opening of waiting list; added "register" to messages
- triggers.cfg: flash and sound alert for opening of waiting list
November 10, 2012
- macros.cfg: added #mapper reset macro for when this AutoMapper feature is implemented
November 4, 2012
- settings.cfg: increased roundtimeoffset from 0 to .5 to reduce script errors
October 23, 2012
- triggers.cfg: added city name to shop logging triggers
October 11, 2012
- triggers.cfg: added log and sound alert for assists; treasure map status bar will now advise you if you're in the wrong province
September 19, 2012
- triggers.cfg: removed the "look wounds" triggers for arrivals
September 7, 2012
- triggers.cfg: added chartered boat (between Riverhaven and Langenfirth) departures and arrivals to the log window
September 5, 2012
- triggers.cfg: added season and time of day to statusbar
September 2, 2012
- highlights.cfg: removed unnecessary case insensitivity; this should improve performance
- substitutes.cfg: removed unnecessary case insensitivity; this should improve performance
- triggers.cfg: added RPAs to the log window
August 27, 2012
- triggers.cfg: added barge, ferry, and gondola departures and arrivals to the log window; added PC deaths (that occur in front of you) to the log window
August 22, 2012
- substitutes.cfg: added recognition of Empath's manipulate friendship ability
August 18, 2012
- highlights.cfg: added another slang term for Empaths; added highlight for Clerical albs
- aliases.cfg: added #send to brawling alias; pb now puts whatever is in your right hand in the trash bucket; fixed the brawling mode alias to remove your shield first (for bashing)
August 12, 2012
- highlights.cfg: added spell prep; removed sound alert for advancing creatures during combat (while the "rp" class is on); removed sound alert for failed MANIPULATE FRIENDSHIP attempts
August 5, 2012
- aliases.cfg: stm (study my map)
- highlights.cfg: horse instruction highlight and sound alert; fixed treasure map highlight and sound alert
- triggers.cfg: horse instruction start and finish log; fixed treasure map statusbar
July 31, 2012
- aliases.cfg: stm (study my tattered map); aliases for toggling treasure map mode
- highlights.cfg: treasure map highlight and sound alert; spell preps
- triggers.cfg: log when treasure maps are found; statusbar for treasure map location
December 18, 2017
- Circle Calculator: updated custom sort lists
February 26, 2016
- Bestiary Query: new plugin
September 16, 2015
- Circle Calculator: updated Thief circle requirements
July 9, 2015
October 4, 2014
- Circle Calculator: updated Barbarian and Thief circle requirements
September 1, 2014
- Speedy E-Pedia: new version
July 7, 2014
- Genie Crutch: updated to version that can be resized
March 11, 2014
- Circle Calculator: added "jousting" to custom sort lists
August 27, 2013
- Circle Calculator: added to custom sort lists
August 7, 2013
- Circle Calculator: fixed bugs in SortGroups.xml; added to custom sort lists
July 31, 2013
- Circle Calculator: updated to latest beta version (requires included CircleReqs.xml and SortGroups.xml files)
June 21, 2013
- Circle Calculator: updated to latest beta version (requires included CircleReqs.xml and SortGroups.xml files)
April 29, 2013
- Circle Calculator: updated to latest beta version (requires included CircleReqs.xml and SortGroups.xml files)
April 19, 2013
- Circle Calculator: new beta version (requires included CircleReqs.xml and SortGroups.xml files)
February 14, 2013
- Combat Tracker: new version
February 5, 2013
- Combat Tracker: new version
February 4, 2013
- Combat Tracker: new plugin by VTCifer
January 27, 2013
- Circle Calculator and Experience Tracker: updated for DragonRealms 3.0
December 27, 2012
- Updated Circle Calculator: current circle requirements for 2.0 and 3.0
December 9, 2012
- Updated Circle Calculator: current circle requirements for 2.0 and 3.0
- Added settings files: Dynamic Windows, Experience Tracker, Genie Crutch, Spell Tracker, and Time Tracker
November 10, 2012
- Removed Bank Tracker: this doesn't seem to work right for me and may conflict with my bank balance triggers
July 7, 2016
- app.cmd, appw.cmd: improved messaging
- automapper.cmd: updated to latest version
- boxp.cmd: updated to latest version
- cast.cmd, max.cmd: prevented commands from being sent prematurely
- elanth.cmd, elantha.cmd, elanthh.cmd, elanthp.cmd: fixed hangups at glance; added new material tags; added timestamp to each item in the log. See documentation.
- info.cmd: fixed hangup for NMUs
- istats.cmd, istatsm.cmd, istatss.cmd, istatssr.cmd: fixed hangups at glance. See documentation.
- look.cmd, tc.cmd: fixed hangups with special messaging added to players in the "Also here" line.
- power_hiba.cmd: new script
- take.cmd, takeb.cmd, takec.cmd, taked.cmd, takemost.cmd, takequick_all.cmd, takequick_all2.cmd, takequick_most.cmd, takequick_scars.cmd, takequick_unity.cmd, taker.cmd: fixed hangups due to variations in the touch messaging
- wd.cmd: fixed hangups due to variations in bank messaging
March 19, 2016
- health_cros.cmd, health_leth.cmd, health_rath.cmd, health_shar.cmd: Added check for failed foraging; fixed hangup for instrument section. See documentation.
- health_hiba.cmd: New script. See documentation.
March 8, 2016
- hunt.cmd: Geniebuff: added support for the Necromancer spells Ivory Mask, Kura-Silma, and Philosopher's Preservation (by yatesri); cleaned up triggers and default configuration. See documentation.
March 5, 2016
- climb2.cmd: improved compatibility with research
- shiftp.cmd: fixed possible hangup
February 26, 2016
- automapper.cmd: updated to latest version
- boxp.cmd: updated to latest version
- cast.cmd, castm.cmd: bug fix
- castr.cmd: now compatible with a worn ritual focus
- climb.cmd, cp.cmd: replaced references to $percussioninst and $percussionsong with $instrument and $playsong
- collect.cmd: replaced references to $percussioninst and $percussionsong with $instrument and $playsong; included tend script
- elanth.cmd, elantha.cmd, elanthh.cmd, elanthp.cmd: bug fix; added new material and symbol tags; added recognition of more racial item styles. See documentation.
- eshop.cmd: added support for bloodscrip. See documentation.
- exit.cmd: fixed matchre for release
- health_cros.cmd, health_leth.cmd, health_rath.cmd, health_shar.cmd: updated for DR 3.1 and current maps. See documentation.
- hunt.cmd: fixed issue with TM mode (by Azarael); added support for Avalanche berserk during slow (fatigue) mode (by Garthain); fixed issue with analyze mode (by Azarael); fixed issue with gem looting (by ettoren); added support for specifying what to skin; will now only attempt to charge and invoke cambrinth if the variable is set (by Hazado); added scavenger troll to skinnable monsters (by jyakulis); Geniebuff: removed the attempt to charge a second cambrinth if you don't have one while maintaining the charge if you do (by Azarael); Spell Variables: added some missing messaging to the spell variable triggers for Ethereal Shield and Y'ntrel Sechra (by Azarael); fixed matching of shortbows and longbows (by Azarael); fixed typo $lefhthandnoun -> $lefthandnoun); fixed issue causing a double-analysis for Barbarian expertise/tactics (by Azarael); fixed issue with TM mode (by Azarael); partial fix to necroheal mode (do not use with necroritual mode) (by yatesri); Geniebuff: updates to the buff section to better handle using multiple cambrinth while having to remove each one to charge and invoke; will now wear each worn cambrinth after invoking and reequip your weapon prior to casting (by ettoren); improved support for swappable weapons, including "FSWAP" mode for fans (by yatesri). See documentation.
- istatsh.cmd: updated output. See documentation.
- power_cros.cmd, power_lang.cmd, power_leth.cmd, power_musp.cmd, power_shar.cmd, power_ther.cmd: fixed class settings
- renown.cmd: support for Paladin renown scrolls. See Elanthipedia for documentation.
- research.cmd, research2.cmd: rewrote to work with research statusbar and triggers
- sellgems.cmd: opens gems pouch at the start
- shift.cmd: added support for starting before you are ready; added status alerts for customer
- shiftp.cmd: added recognition of shift ending; added support for research triggers
- shop2.cmd: added additional shop surfaces
- shopc.cmd, shopr.cmd, shops.cmd: added support for research triggers
- sortbox.cmd: fixed hangup for no boxes
- sortgem.cmd: fixed hangup for closed pouch
- sortherb.cmd: added inventory list at end
- store.cmd: ammo storage defaults to your quiver (requires global variable)
- tc.cmd: fixed hangups for various error messages
- var_setup.cmd: added/updated variables
- verb.cmd: sped up script
September 16, 2015
- app.cmd, appw.cmd: added support for bow draw strength. See documentation.
- bank.cmd, banksetup.cmd: added support for Fang Cove; fixed possible hangup in bank script when checking balance. See documentation.
- cast.cmd, castfp.cmd, casth.cmd, castm.cmd: fixed calculation of total mana
- elanth.cmd, elantha.cmd, elanthh.cmd, elanthp.cmd: added clothing item types; added support for new bow template (draw strength and adjustable draw strength); fixed quiet setting of taps; removed force of impact (FOI) from ammunition. See documentation.
- gemt.cmd: increased tip from 20% to 30% of profit
- haggle.cmd: improved recognition of price; decreased opening offer to 70%
- hunt.cmd: added support for arrange all (bone carving) (by Tepi); added support for Necromancer ritual of dissection and changed the default ritual to dissect (this is the most discreet ritual to use, as it does not alert third parties when you fail); disabled shield removal when shields hinder aiming or loading of bows; fixed label issue with arranging (by Drifter487); fixed timer of pilgrim's badge use from two minutes to 31 minutes; removed gem variable check for looting gems (script now just tries to STOW GEM whenever it's time to loot). See documentation.
- info.cmd: new script
- istats.cmd, istatsh.cmd, istatsm.cmd, istatsp.cmd, istatss.cmd, istatssr.cmd: added support for bows (including draw strength); divided weapon output into melee and ranged/ammo; fixed ammo type and skill recognition; fixed construction level 1; fixed damage scale; fixed recognition of neck-only coverage area (for example, aventails); taps are quietly set by glancing (instead of tapping). See documentation.
- sellgems.cmd: updated to latest version by Azarael
- shop2.cmd: improved recognition of shops sources. See documentation.
- start.cmd, exit.cmd: added timestamp to log
- tend2.cmd: new script
- unwrapP.cmd: script now sits before unwrapping (to reduce blood loss)
July 10, 2015
- hunt.cmd: fixed hangup after some attempts to ANALYZE for combos; fixed pilgrim badge mode (for real this time). See documentation.
July 9, 2015
- bank.cmd: fixed bug with balance tracking (in conjunction with triggers)
- boxp.cmd: removed footwraps from equipment section (does not hinder locksmithing)
- cast.cmd, castfp.cmd, casth.cmd, max.cmd: fixed calculation of total mana
- castm.cmd, sandspit.cmd: new scripts
- class.cmd: fixed bug in announcement of class
- climb2.cmd: improved handling of wound tending
- curr.cmd: improved accuracy of rounding
- elanth.cmd, elantha.cmd, elanthh.cmd, elanthp.cmd: improved recognition of measurement dimensions; improved conversion of currencies (conversions from Lirums to Kronars should be 100% accurate; conversions from Dokoras to Kronars is accurate 80% of the time due to differences in the way DR does math); shop version of script will now use GLANCE instead of TAP to set the item tap. This is less likely to cause errors with verby items; added more recognition of clothing and jewelry; added Gor'Tog and Prydaen item types; added new material tags; added support for new bow template (draw strength and adjustable draw strength). See documentation.
- eshop.cmd: removed menu support for unused item type flags. See documentation.
- hunt.cmd, gh_setup.cmd: added fix for skeletal kobolds in list of undead monsters (by GreatJustice); added fix for false matches on "zombie" as an adjective (by Azarael); added fix held cambrinth and weapons in buff mode (by ettoren); added fix for combos with multiple commands (by Azarael); added fix wearing cambrinth in buff mode (by ettoren); added support for additional worn knives (inspired by ettoren); reduced weapon swapping mindstate threshold from 34 to 15 (inspired by Azarael); replaced $2cambrinth with $secondcambrinth (by Azarael); fixed issue that caused the script to hang during buff mode for some users (by Dasffion); replaced actions that had gone missing; replaced pilgrim's badge code that had gone missing; shortened matchwait for wielding/sheathing errors; changed ERROR_DONE parse to #parse HUNT DONE ERROR. See documentation.
- istats.cmd, istatsh.cmd, istatsm.cmd, istatsp.cmd, istatss.cmd, istatssr.cmd: changed some variable names in the output; added user-friendly stat calculations to "ItemStatsReader" log. See documentation.
- research2.cmd: added stop climb before starting a segment of research
- skilldata.cmd: updated to latest version
- unwrapP.cmd, unwrapt.cmd: minor improvements
- wd.cmd: script will now only check the bank balance after the transaction is complete (instead of after each withdrawal)
May 16, 2015
- hunt.cmd: added fix for second cambrinth variable; added support for the Moon Mage spells of Aura Sight, Clear Vision, Piercing Gaze, Psychic Shield, Seer's Sense, Shadows, and Tenebrous Sense; redid default Geniebuff settings (you must still do your own configuration in the gh_buff.start section of the hunt.cmd script). See documentation.
May 15, 2015
- automapper.cmd: added catches for stunned and missing catch for tripping over roots (by Azoth/Shroomism)
- buff.cmd, gh_buff.cmd: removed
- curr.cmd, exch.cmd: improved accuracy of conversions to or from Dokoras
- elanth.cmd, elantha.cmd, elanthh.cmd, elanthp.cmd: improved recognition of clothing and jewelry
- get2.cmd: fixed more hangups
- hunt.cmd, gh_setup.cmd: added empty hand check for throwing weapons (by Londrin); added weapon timer check even when no monsters are in the room (by Azarael); fixed Sentinel's Resolve spell variable trigger (by PELIC); improved math for harnessing mana to reduce backfires (by ettoren); fixed the login component of the spell variable triggers; added support for second cambrinth (by ettoren); merged the hunt script with Geniebuff so that includes are no longer needed for Geniebuff (by ettoren); added more variables to the gh_setup file; added fix to Necromancer rituals (by Londrin); added fix to arranging (by Londrin). See documentation.
- magicskill.cmd: new script
- skilldata.cmd: new script (not mine). See documentation.
- var_setup.cmd: new script
April 16, 2015
- afkmessage.cmd: added several features, including a timer to prevent the script from spamming responses if you receive more than one message within a 60-second period. See Elanthipedia for documentation.
- automapper.cmd: added support for flying mounts (by Thires)
- collect.cmd: fixed possible script hangup when the room is too cluttered to find anything
- cp.cmd: failure messaging is now universal
- elanth.cmd, elantha.cmd, elanthh.cmd, elanthp.cmd: added more materials; added recognition for additional Prydaen-styled items. See documentation.
- get2.cmd: fixed hangup for loaded crossbows
- hunt.cmd, gh_buff.cmd: added the Necromancer spell of Obfuscation to Geniebuff (by yatesri); using a "parang" as a weapon will no longer activate Paralysis mode (by Azarael); added lob and hurl options for thrown weapons (by Azarael); added metal nuggets to collectibles (by Azarael); fixed typos with if commands (by Azarael); updated khri section to support kneeling (by Azarael). See documentation.
- istats.cmd, istatsh.cmd, istatsm.cmd, istatsp.cmd, istatss.cmd, istatssr.cmd: improved recognition of crafting sources; removed mean stats from the spreadsheet output. See documentation.
- research2.cmd: improved recognition of research ending
- shop2.cmd: improved recognition of shops sources
- sleep.cmd: added defensive stance setting. See Elanthipedia for documentation.
- start.cmd: fixed hangup on stopping performance
- unwrapt.cmd: new script
February 27, 2015
- boxp.cmd: added sound alert to end of script
- bundle.cmd: fixed hangups
- bundlep.cmd, get2.cmd, takequick_all.cmd, takequick_all2.cmd, takequick_most.cmd, takequick_scars.cmd, takequick_unity.cmd: new scripts
- hunt.cmd, buff.cmd: updated list of recognized constructs; script will now turn off construct mode if you are using Absolution in ritual mode; fixed issues with ritual mode. See documentation.
- research.cmd: replaced Azarael's research script with my own
- research2.cmd: added justice check for dangerous projects
- sellb.cmd: fixed hangups
- take.cmd, takeb.cmd, takec.cmd, taked.cmd, takemost.cmd, taker.cmd: added disease and poison checks
- vault.cmd: replaced "shelf" with "large shelf" (Premium accounts have additional shelves in their vaults)
February 2, 2015
- hunt.cmd, buff.cmd: fixed more issues with appraisal mode (by Azarael); improved handling of webbing (by Azarael); streamlined handling of weapon stowing and retrieving in ritual mode (by Azarael). See documentation.
February 1, 2015
- app.cmd, appm.cmd, appw.cmd: fixed recognition of ammunition
- boxp.cmd: improved recognition of armor and boxes
- castr.cmd: added Gift of Life check for Absolution
- clean.cmd: script will now run jstore.cmd at the end
- curr.cmd: not entering a value will convert the last auction bid
- discern.cmd: added Absolution (Empath spell)
- elantha.cmd: added item reading
- hunt.cmd: fixed skipping of appraisal in PM/TM mode (by Azarael); fixed crashing when using appraisal in PM/TM mode (by Azarael); added ritual spell support. See documentation.
- jstore.cmd: new script
- take.cmd, takeb.cmd, takec.cmd, taked.cmd, takemost.cmd, taker.cmd: scripts will now close the Familiar window (having this window open hides the touch output from the main window)
- tendw.cmd: improved whisper alerts and emergency casting of Vitality Healing
January 13, 2015
- elanthp.cmd: fixed erroneous setting of nouns
- hunt.cmd: fixed bug with ALTEXP being on in the magic section (suggested by Azarael); removed tending feature that didn't work (suggested by ettoren); fixed bug with Necroheal feature (by Azarael); removed buggy circle 50 Thief slip stalk feature (suggested by Azarael); fixed issue with constructs not being recognized outside of construct mode when the script checks more monsters (suggested by Challeirra). See documentation.
- istatsh.cmd: fixed hangup in container measuring
January 1, 2015
- appw.cmd: added support for a separate adjective (%2)
- class.cmd: improved demeanor settings to reduce the number of people who can't listen without an invitation; fixed distinction between master's level classes and grand master's level classes
- elanth.cmd, elanthh.cmd: added support for dimensons with hyphens; added recognition for additional Gor'Tog-styled items
- elantha.cmd: added support for variable auction surfaces; added recognition for additional Gor'Tog-styled items
- elanthp.cmd: added recognition for additional Gor'Tog-styled items
- gemt.cmd: added support for a variable gem pouch adjective (%2)
- istats.cmd: new script
- istatsh.cmd: improved recognition of crafting sources; added support for dimensons with hyphens; added date
- istatsm.cmd: fixed shield defense levels
- istatsp.cmd, istatss.cmd, istatssr.cmd: improved recognition of crafting sources; added date
- tend.cmd: script will no longer hang when you have no injuries
- tendp.cmd: script will now turn on tending class (triggers)
December 12, 2014
- hunt.cmd: removed FluffMuff functionality and window clearing (These features were in my personal copy, and I forgot to remove them from the official copy.) See documentation.
- istatsm.cmd: new script
December 6, 2014
- app.cmd, appw.cmd: fixed recognition of ranged weapons
- auctionlog.cmd: new script
- bank.cmd: fixed double-checking of bank balance
- boxp.cmd: updated to latest version
- bundle.cmd: improved regex matches
- collect.cmd: shortened pause
- discern.cmd: updated to work with new, more accurate personal cap predictions
- elanth.cmd, elanthh.cmd: added new material tags; added new color tags; added new ambiguous tags; fixed item type/special setting; added to instrument types; added to armor itypes
- elantha.cmd, elanthp.cmd: new script
- gemt.cmd: improved regex matches and increased tip to 30% above appraisal value
- get.cmd: uses $pack instead of default STOW setting
- haggle.cmd: improved regex matches and increased initial offer to avoid auto-rejections
- hunt.cmd, buff.cmd: added support for Barbarian dual load (by ettoren); fixed weapon switching in DMULTI mode (by Azarael); added support for additional options in DMULTI mode (by Azarael); sped up COMBAT_COMMAND and AIMING sections (by ettoren); added support for separate cambrinth charge increments for each spell (by Azarael); added support for invoking specific amounts of mana in cambrinth use (by ettoren); fixed bug causing script to pick up other people's bundles while roaming (by Azarael). See documentation.
- istatsh.cmd, istatss.cmd: added support for containers (held items only); added appraisal value (in Kronars); added auto-recognition of crafted and altered items; added source for marked crafter's items
- istatsp.cmd, istatssr.cmd: new script
- look.cmd, tc.cmd: fixed hangup with player who "who has a stony visage" or "who is bathed in pale golden sunlight"
- shopc.cmd, shopr.cmd, shops.cmd: converted the ShopHours column to two separate columns (ShopOpen and ShopClose)
- sortbox.cmd: fixed variable setting
- sortgem.cmd: fixed hangup for missing gem pouch
- sortherb.cmd: fixed hangup for missing herb pouch
- tendp.cmd: script will now attempt to tend everything first
- travel.cmd: switched to non-personalized version from Elanthipedia
- vault.cmd: changed from LOOK to RUMMAGE
October 16, 2014
- boxp.cmd: added missing guilds
- hunt.cmd: fixed snipe guild check; added stealth check for Barbarian roars (by Nakori); moved stealth section to the end of COMBAT_COMMAND, so that other modes don't prematurely take you out of stealth (by Nakori); added dual load (by ettoren); added Empath-safe construct mode (written by Londrin; tested by Isharon); fixed Nissa mode (by Isharon); added support for second creature to Empath manipulation mode (by Isharon); improved check for worn skinning knives (by Isharon); increased matchwait timer in TM section; fixed issue with trying to add skins to bundle that you're not wearing; added missing messaging for being out of range; added match for khri error (not being able to use khri while standing); various minor regex fixes. See documentation.
October 11, 2014
- bundle.cmd: now automatically looks for skins to bundle (work in progress)
- hunt.cmd: fixed stealth-related skill checks. See documentation.
- istatsh.cmd, istatss.cmd: fixed spacing of output
- research2.cmd: script now checks research status before prompting you to choose a project
- travel.cmd: script will no longer hang at the Gear Gate when Raven's Point is under siege by the Dragon Priests
October 4, 2014
- cast.cmd, castc.cmd, casth.cmd, castr.cmd, max.cmd: spell-casting scripts will no longer release your own buff if you're casting on another person
September 13, 2014
- hunt.cmd: fixed issue with analyze stalling during an unfinished combo (by Astarin and ettoren); removed "in my %QUIVER from stow sections, as this is redundant with the current STOW defaults (by Azarael); fixed issue with debilitation stalling when no monsters are in the room (by Harkniss); fixed issue with arranging for bones (by Harkniss). See documentation.
September 6, 2014
- collect.cmd: increased pause in an effort to prevent script from hanging before kicking the pile
- hunt.cmd: fixed issue with buff routine not running when training magic (by Azarael); added Bard enchante mode (by Harkniss). See documentation.
- mistwoodcliff.cmd: new script (part of AutoMapper)
September 2, 2014
- cast.cmd, casth.cmd, heal.cmd, healb.cmd, healmost.cmd, healscar.cmd, hs.cmd, hw.cmd, max.cmd: These scripts no longer wait until the spell is fully prepared
- castfp.cmd: new script
- hunt.cmd: fixed issue with "basilisk head arrow" overriding your default stow container (by Vapes); fixed spell variable trigger for Substratum (by Azarael); fixed issue with harnessing in the magic section (by Harkniss). See documentation.
- takec.cmd: eliminated unnecessary scroll from this purely diagnostic script
August 21, 2014
- appv.cmd: fixed shield protection scale
- cast.cmd, casth.cmd, hs.cmd, hw.cmd: reduced minimum attunement
- hunt.cmd: added additional messaging to turn off spell trigger variables (by Azarael); added fix to hiding (by Azarael); added fix for Necroheal (by Azarael); added fix for creatures that can't be arranged for the desired part (by ettoren); moved "ARRANGEONLY" above "ARRANGEIT" section (by ettoren); added "baselard" to the list of ME stabbing weapons (by Vapes). See documentation.
- research.cmd, research2.cmd: fixed script pausing syntax
- takec.cmd: new script
July 29, 2014
- foc.cmd: script won't cast Vitality Healing unless vitality is less than 75%
- hunt.cmd: fixed issue with standing when knocked down (by Azarael); fixed issue with tactics training hanging script in an empty room (by Azarael). See documentation.
- research2.cmd: script now sorts magic skills before prompting you to select a project; shortened pause before beginning research
July 21, 2014
- castr.cmd: script will attempt to stow ritual focus at the end
- powerm.cmd: switched to manual route (from AutoMapper guidance)
July 18, 2014
- elanthh.cmd: fixed issue with the tap unintentionally including the contents of the left hand, but the script now requires a measuring stick to work. See documentation.
- hunt.cmd: fixed issue with weapons beginning with "bar" (by Azarael); updated Analogous Patterns, Empath, and Paladin spell variable triggers for 3.1. See documentation.
July 16, 2014
- elanthh.cmd: fixed issue in the hand-held version with script not setting the tap when your left hand is empty. See documentation.
- hunt.cmd: fixed issue with weapons beginning with "bar" (by Azarael); updated Analogous Patterns, Empath, and Paladin spell variable triggers for 3.1. See documentation.
- research2.cmd: reduced pause before starting research
July 14, 2014
- elanthh.cmd: fixed issue with script not using the noun of the item in your right hand. See documentation.
July 10, 2014
- hunt.cmd: fixed error with options in Geniehunter (by Azarael). See documentation.
July 7, 2014
- app.cmd, appw.cmd: fixed recognition of parry sticks and ranged weapons
- bank.cmd: added additional teller messaging for checking your balance
- buff.cmd: added additional messaging for worn cambrinth
- ci.cmd: new script
- climb.cmd: changed default to fir tree
- climb2.cmd: new script
- elanth.cmd, elanthh.cmd: revamped how material, color, and symbol tags are added, moving "ambiguous" tags that could be more than one type to their own section. See documentation.
- foc.cmd, hs.cmd: reduced amount of mana used by default
- hunt.cmd: fixed TM and PM options (by Azarael); added Barbarian tactics mode (by Azarael); added fix to cambrinth wearing (by Felwyne); cleaned up help menu. See documentation.
- powerlt.cmd: new script
- powertl.cmd: new script
- research.cmd: new script
- research2.cmd: new script
- sortbox.cmd: script will now end gracefully if you have no pack (instead of hanging)
- travel.cmd: updated Elanthipedia link to latest version
May 24, 2014
- castr.cmd: script will now cast ritual spells using your max prep (global variable required)
- hw.cmd, hs.cmd: improved formula for calculating mana to harness
- title_bard.cmd, title_cler.cmd, title_moon.cmd: new scripts
- title_empa: renamed from titlee.cmd
- title_pala: renamed from titlep.cmd
- title_thie: renamed from titlet.cmd
May 23, 2014
- automapper.cmd: increased pause between movements in power-walk mode
- boxp.cmd: updated to latest version
- cast.cmd, castc.cmd, casth.cmd, castr.cmd, max.cmd: improved formula for calculating mana to charge/harness
- collect.cmd: script no longer trains performance (can't perform while collecting)
- cp.cmd: replaced instruments and cleaning cloth with global variables
- dcon.cmd, discern.cmd, featl.cmd, featu.cmd, gh_setup.cmd, timel.cmd: new scripts
- elanth.cmd, elanthh.cmd, eshop.cmd: updated Elanthipedia URLs; fixed construction stat. See documentation.
- hunt.cmd: fixed standing check (by Azarael); fixed standard skinning (by Azarael); fixed experience check for switching weapons (by Azarael). See documentation.
- istatsh.cmd, istatss.cmd: scripts now support adjectives in syntax; fixed construction stat; improved data logging; reversed order of armor types
- powerc.cmd: no longer uses AutoMapper route (this kept stalling)
March 23, 2014
- istatsh.cmd, istatss.cmd: increased pause after appraisal to prevent script from hanging. See Elanthipedia for documentation.
March 16, 2014
- hunt.cmd: added support for "arrange all" (by Azarael). See documentation.
March 11, 2014
- automapper.cmd, awaken.cmd, collect.cmd, collect2.cmd, elanth.cmd, elanthh.cmd, eshop.cmd, go.cmd, healthc.cmd, healthl.cmd, healthr.cmd, healths.cmd, hunt.cmd, istatsh.cmd, istatss.cmd, powerc.cmd, powerl.cmd, powerm.cmd, powers.cmd, sellgems.cmd, shopc.cmd, shopr.cmd, shops.cmd, start.cmd, swimbrook.cmd, swimford.cmd, travel.cmd: turned off joust class
- buff.cmd: fixed spell prep messaging in buff.cmd (by Sharander). See documentation.
February 24, 2014
- hunt.cmd: fixed Analyze update (by Azarael); added pilgrim's badge mode; added support for a worn "skinning blade"; removed "nonskinnablecritters" and "invasioncritters" from the dead monster routine (script now assumes that anything not on the skinnable and ritual list is a regular monster); added guild checks to abilities that aren't available to all guilds. See documentation.
February 9, 2014
- hunt.cmd: rolled back Analyze update due to unresolved bug (by Azarael). See documentation.
February 6, 2014
- buff.cmd: fixed wearing cambrinth after buffing. See documentation.
- hunt.cmd: streamlined Analyze option (by Azarael). See documentation.
January 27, 2014
- powerc.cmd, powerl.cmd, powerm.cmd, powers.cmd: added wound tending
January 9, 2014
- gametime.cmd: added IRL date to output
- istatsh.cmd: renamed from istats; new formulas and formatting. See Elanthipedia for documentation.
- istatss.cmd: new script. See Elanthipedia for documentation.
- shopc.cmd, shopr.cmd, shops.cmd: fixed issue with "'[Trader]'s Shop' will be open whenever the owner is in attendance" messaging. See Elanthipedia for documentation.
January 1, 2014
- gametime.cmd: new script
- istats.cmd: added "claws" to recognized hand-worn brawling weapons
- ranklog.cmd: new script. See Elanthipedia for documentation.
- renown.cmd: added automated setting of "GameDate" used in Elanthipedia renown scrolls. See Elanthipedia for documentation.
- shopc.cmd, shopr.cmd, shops.cmd: added automated setting of "GameDate" used in Elanthipedia shop list; added log window alerts; updated parsing of shop script status (changes made to all scripts). See Elanthipedia for documentation.
- swimbrook.cmd: changed the room where the script drops you off after locking athletics
December 29, 2013
- istats.cmd: script now logs different item stats (weapon, shield, and armor) to separate log files for easier exporting to Excel
- shop2.cmd: reduced "false matches" in the Shop2 script (when you attempt to SHOP a surface that doesn't exist due to inventory erroneously setting the shop surface variables). See Elanthipedia for documentation.
December 23, 2013
- elanth.cmd, elanthh.cmd, eshop.cmd: improved recognition of wood and gem MTags. See documentation.
- news.cmd: new script
December 22, 2013
- app.cmd, appw.cmd: improved match tables
- automapper.cmd: added recognition of failed broom movement; added "foragewalk" mode. (You must define the global "forage" variable.)
- elanth.cmd, elanthh.cmd, eshop.cmd: scripts now turn off shop logging settings. See documentation.
- hunt.cmd: fixed skinning (by Sothios); updated list of shields. See documentation.
- istats.cmd: replaced user-defined variable with $righthandnoun; improved item type and stat recognition
- reg.cmd: added missing messaging to match table
- sortbox.cmd: now works with all packs
- tc.cmd: added missing messaging to match table
- travel.cmd: added sound alert to end of script
Hovember 15, 2013
- cast.cmd, castc.cmd, casth.cmd, collect.cmd, collect2.cmd, cp.cmd, exit.cmd, foc.cmd, focus.cmd, heal.cmd, healb.cmd, healmost.cmd, healnoob.cmd, healscar.cmd, healthc.cmd, healthl.cmd, healthr.cmd, healths.cmd, hs.cmd, hw.cmd, max.cmd, powerc.cmd, powerl.cmd, powerm.cmd, powers.cmd, shift.cmd, shopc.cmd, shopr.cmd, shops.cmd, sleep.cmd, take.cmd, takeb.cmd, taked.cmd, takemost.cmd, taker.cmd: fixed hangup at end of performance
- eshop.cmd: replaced with better version. See documentation.
- look.cmd: fixed hangup with players who "seem to be wrapped in dark shadows"
- renown.cmd: fixed alignment of guild selection table. See documentation.
October 31, 2013
- elanth.cmd, elanthh.cmd: updated racial item types; added fname field; added spaces after commas to be consistent with the Manual of Style. See documentation.
October 30, 2013
- hunt.cmd: added "skinning knife" to worn skinning knives. See documentation.
- climb.cmd, collect.cmd, cp.cmd: added "You effortlessly begin" to performance matches. See documentation.
October 16, 2013
- hunt.cmd: fixed endless loop in arranging (by Drifter487); reorganized monster lists. See documentation.
- max.cmd: added release of spell before re-casting it
September 25, 2013
- automapper.cmd, awaken.cmd, collect.cmd, collect2.cmd, eshop.cmd, go.cmd, healthc.cmd, healthl.cmd, healthr.cmd, healths.cmd, hunt.cmd, sellgems.cmd, shopc.cmd, shopr.cmd, shops.cmd, start.cmd, swimbrook.cmd, swimford.cmd, travel2.cmd: added racial item class to combat/rp class toggles
- elanthh.cmd, elanth.cmd: added Prydaen item type; added racial item class to combat/rp class toggles
- travel.cmd: fixed sand barge cues; added racial item class to combat/rp class toggles
August 29, 2013
- heal.cmd, healnoob.cmd, healscar.cmd, take.cmd, takeb.cmd, taked.cmd, takemost.cmd, taker.cmd: added sound alert to end of script
August 27, 2013
- base.cmd: updated to Tcool13's latest version
- powerm.cmd: new script
August 19, 2013
- hunt.cmd, gh_buff.cmd: updated skinnable monsters. See documentation.
July 27, 2013
- bank.cmd: If you are at a teller when you run this script, it will now check your balance before updating your bank balance variables.
- boxp.cmd: updated to Azarael's latest version
- cp.cmd: The script will now attempt to remove your zills before cleaning them.
- elanthh.cmd: updated setting of item taps to work with the new INVENTORY HELD command
- gh_setup.cmd: new script
- hunt.cmd, gh_buff.cmd: added gh_setup script for defining container variables (by Azarael); added Nissa mode; added Ranger spells to Geniebuff. See documentation.
- look.cmd, group.cmd, tc.cmd: added recognition of mounted players and players who have "a fiery visage"
- renown.cmd: fixed date formatting
- sleep.cmd: updated "release all" waitforre
- take.cmd, takeb.cmd, taked.cmd, takemost.cmd, taker.cmd: Scripts will not cast Refresh if Courage is up (requires Courage spell variable triggers)
June 27, 2013
- elanth.cmd: standardized symbol tags for guild crests; fixed error with armor being flagged as clothing or jewelry
- elanthh.cmd: standardized symbol tags for guild crests; fixed error with armor being flagged as clothing or jewelry
June 26, 2013
- hunt.cmd: fixed match for targeted weapons (by Azarael); fixed support for bonded weapons (by Azarael). See documentation.
June 21, 2013
- appw.cmd: fix to prevent the script from trying to measure with a yardstick
- boxp.cmd: added update that wakes you after a botched sleep trap (by Azarael)
- cp.cmd: fixed match table for stowing instrument
- elanth.cmd: Updated the new weapon appraisal flag from newapp to newapp2. (This indicates whether a weapon has outdated stats.); Fixed an error that was causing item READs not to be set; Fixed setting of "special" types for weapons, shields, and armor; Revised wear locations to be consistent with the current item templates. Shirt+ and shirt- are now shirt (with armor) and shirt (without armor), respectively. Also, wearloc will not be set to - (not wearable) unless the item is of a type that would normally be wearable, such as clothing, jewelry, or containers; The script will now log appraisals to Appraisal-$charactername.txt. This allows more than one character to run the script at a time. (The charactername variable is supplied automatically by Genie.); Fixed error with brawling damage types; Fixed error with footwraps being flagged as "clothing"; Replaced "quite a bit of" damage with "quite a bit" to match the template. See documentation.
- hunt.cmd: fixed major bugs (by Azarael); fixed match for skinning S'lai scouts (by Azarael); moved bonded and khri variable sections from global to local variables (by Azarael); replaced match MAGIC_CAST with matchre MAGIC_CAST for regex support (by Azarael); increased tactics training cut-off from 10/34 to 32/34 (by drtyprior); added "falcata" to the list of light edged slicers (by Krooner); added syntactical distinction between PM and TM training to magic (by Azarael); added support for targeting body parts to backstabbing (by Azarael). See documentation.
- xtrader.cmd: updated to latest version
June 4, 2013
- start.cmd: added reminder to vote for DragonRealms on Top MUD Sites
- vault.cmd: added more precise waitforre messaging
May 31, 2013
- climb.cmd: script will now stand before climbing
- gh_buff.cmd: added Geniebuff support for non-cyclic Bard spells (by Penderrin); added Geniebuff support for non-cyclic Warrior Mage spells (by elriic). See documentation.
- hunt.cmd: reduced multi-weapon LearningRate switch from 33/34 to 25/34; added point mode for hidden creatures (by Azarael); fixed Thief backstabbing (by Azarael). See documentation.
May 22, 2013
- awaken.cmd: fixed bug in waitforre
May 21, 2013
- appw.cmd: replaced $righthandnoun with %1 (in measuring section)
- awaken.cmd, boxp.cmd, close.cmd, open.cmd, sleep.cmd: replaced "lockpick case" with $lockpicks variable
- buff.cmd: fixed cambrinth documentation
- group.cmd, look.cmd, tc.cmd: added horse messaging that prevented scripts from recognizing everyone in the room
- store.cmd: updated waitforres to prevent the script from hanging
May 16, 2013
- awaken.cmd, close.cmd, open.cmd, sleep.cmd: more thorough opening and closing of containers
- elanth.cmd, elanthh.cmd: added force of impact stat for weapons; updated armor types to 3.0 template; added elemental damage. See documentation.
- group.cmd, look.cmd, tc.cmd: added spell messaging that prevented scripts from recognizing everyone in the room
- haggle.cmd: new script
- istats.cmd: added force of impact stat; added additional levels of balance/power
- shopc.cmd, shopr.cmd, shops.cmd: scripts now close your containers before shopping to prevent conflicts with the SHOP verb. See documentation.
April 29, 2013
May 5, 2013
- currset.cmd: works on all characters (wearing a ring)
- elanth.cmd, elanthh.cmd: smarter tagging of item types, materials, symbols, and colors; fixed bugs in metatags; fixed issue with appraisal values not being set. (the appraisal messaging now capitalizes the currency names, but the script was still looking for lower-case currency names.) See documentation.
- shopc.cmd, shopr.cmd, shops.cmd: scripts now create logs (both in Elanthipedia format and spreadsheet format) of shops, their owners, their hours, and their locations. See documentation.
April 29, 2013
- app.cmd, appw.cmd: fixed bug at the beginning of the script
- elanth.cmd, elanthh.cmd: updated item types and sources to work with the new item template; Script will now set some item types from the look; Script will no longer erroneously flag items made of "Elothean silk" or "Elven silk" as racial symbols or racial item types; and Improved color tagging. See documentation.
- travel.cmd: withdrawals are now handled by the .wd script
April 21, 2013
- collect.cmd, collect2.cmd: removed line that turned on room arrival alerts
- shopc.cmd, shopr.cmd, shops.cmd: increased matchwait to avoid script hanging prematurely
April 19, 2013
- climb.cmd: new script
- herbp.cmd: added support for inhaling nemoih bread
- hunt.cmd: reduced minimum attunement requirement for targeted magic. See documentation.
- renown.cmd: new script
- takeb.cmd: bleeder reduction is now only applied to broken limbs (that prevent tending or movement)
April 7, 2013
- focus.cmd: added "stop play" to the beginning of the script
- group.cmd: added additional matches prevent the script from hanging
- powerc.cmd, powerl.cmd, powers.cmd: compatibility fixes for 3.0
- shift.cmd: added additional matches to the teaching section to prevent the script from hanging
- shiftr.cmd, shiftr2.cmd: fixed error in Prydaen options
- take.cmd, takeb.cmd, taked.cmd, takemost.cmd, taker.cmd: fixed potentially lethal error that sometimes ended self-healing prematurely
April 2, 2013
- hunt.cmd: fixed issue that sometimes caused the script to loop repeatedly when failing to analyze; fixed harmless errors with Empath Paralysis (TM) labels. See documentation.
March 30, 2013
- focus.cmd: added stowing to the beginning of the script
- hunt.cmd: fixed bug that sometimes caused the script to abort if you were bleeding or stunned (by WarneckDR). See documentation.
March 23, 2013
- hunt.cmd: added sound alerts for script ending; fixed bug with using a baldric for backstabbing (by Azarael); fixed bug with enhanced multi setup support (by Azarael). See documentation.
- shop2.cmd: fixed error in match table. See Elanthipedia for documentation.
March 22, 2013
- hunt.cmd: added enhanced multi setup support (by Azarael). See documentation.
March 21, 2013
- currset.cmd: made currency match case-insensitive (the in-game messaging changed from upper-case to lower-case)
- focus.cmd: new script
- hunt.cmd: fixed error with using "partisan" as a weapon (by Azarael); fixed "bug" that caused the script not to check for skinning knives (by Londrin); fixed bug with tactics training variable (by Azarael). See documentation.
March 15, 2013
March 13, 2013
- gh_armor.cmd: removed bone armor section (script still doesn't work, but this prevents possible conflicts with Geniehunter's arranging for bones)
- hunt.cmd: added support for throwing bonded weapons (by Azarael); added matches for more analyze errors (by Azarael and Londrin); added support for Thief khri (by Londrin); added optional Thief/mark syntax (by Londrin); added support for arranging for bones or parts (by Londrin). See documentation.
- shift.cmd: fixed variable for age (year) shifts
- sleep.cmd: fixed avoid !all
March 8, 2013
- hunt.cmd: fixed tactics and webbing (by Azarael). See documentation.
March 7, 2013
- hunt.cmd: fixed analyze mode (by Londrin); updated credits and major updates (at top of script); added version number and date; aesthetic update: replaced abbreviated commands with full commands. See documentation.
March 6, 2013
- hunt.cmd: minor bug fixes/tweaks (by Londrin); added Thief mark (trains appraisal and perception) (by Londrin); fixed analyze mode (Azarael). See documentation.
March 5, 2013
- hunt.cmd: updated main help menu; added Analysis/combo mode; fixed Paralysis mode (Empath TM training); fixed experience check for Empathic brawling (tactics). See documentation.
February 23, 2013
- Removed Obsolete/Broken/Useless Scripts: autoheal.cmd, band.cmd, box.cmd, camb.cmd, climb.cmd, combat.cmd, combatvariables.cmd, crystal.cmd, dye.cmd, gets.cmd, gift.cmd, healed.cmd, hide.cmd, magic.cmd, manacheck.cmd, ml.cmd, newexp.cmd, orb.cmd, p.cmd, paladin_spell_triggers.cmd, preps.cmd, read.cmd, row.cmd, rw.cmd, shopn.cmd, shopper.cmd, soulstone.cmd, spelltriggers.cmd, stalk.cmd, timer.cmd, tm.cmd
- afkmessage.cmd: removed exit action
- app.cmd, appw.cmd: updated to DR 3.0 armor types; added support for elemental damage and force of impact; tweaked some of the output to be clearer and more concise
- bard1.cmd, bard2.cmd, sellb.cmd: updated waitforres with better regular expressions
- castc.cmd: new script
- casth.cmd: new script
- collect2.cmd: new script
- elanthh.cmd: new script
- feet.cmd: new script
- heal.cmd, healb.cmd, healmost.cmd, healnoob.cmd, healscar.cmd: removed prep amounts (defaults to min prep)
- hunt.cmd: updated to latest version (various bug fixes). See documentation.
- sortbox.cmd, sortgem.cmd, sortherb.cmd: fixed hangup when pack is closed
- take.cmd, takeb.cmd, taked.cmd, takemost.cmd, taker.cmd: updated Refresh variable name to work with current spell triggers; removed prep amounts (defaults to min prep)
- yoyo.cmd: replaced "ladybug" with %1 variable; updated waitforres with better regular expressions
February 14, 2013
- hunt.cmd: added fix to weapon check for tactics training (by Azarael)
February 11, 2013
- hunt.cmd: added more tactics fixes; added fixes for handling weapons that may have the same noun as a critter's weapon; changed ambush experience check to stealth; added heavy blunt to HT weapon check (by Londrin)
February 10, 2013
- cast.cmd, casth.cmd, foc.cmd, heal.cmd, healb.cmd, healmost.cmd, healnoob.cmd, healscar.cmd, hs.cmd, hw.cmd, max.cmd: fixed wound healing match tables; These scripts no longer require the user to input the total amount of mana used. Instead, they use global variables for each spells minimum prep, your personal mana cap, and the average of the two. Variable names follow the pattern of $min.spell, $max.spell, and $half.spell, where spell is the official abbreviation of the spell (seen in your SPELLS list). For example, the Ease Burden variables would be $min.ease, $max.ease, and $half.ease
- hunt.cmd: added check to see if you need to advance before tactics training (by (Londrin); added Barbarian magic training (Londrin); added check to prevent tactics training while using bows and crossbows (by Azarael)
- powerc.cmd, powerl.cmd, powers.cmd: fixed issues with bad room numbers
- take.cmd, takeb.cmd, taked.cmd, takemost.cmd, taker.cmd: fixed wound healing match tables
February 6, 2013
- gh_buff.cmd: Added Analogous Patterns spell support for Bards, Clerics, Moon Mages, Necromancers, Rangers, and Warrior Mages. See documentation.
February 4, 2013
- buff.cmd: updated for Combat 3.0 (Paladins and Empaths only). See documentation.
- gh_buff.cmd: updated for Combat 3.0 (Paladins and Empaths only). See documentation.
- hunt.cmd: removed nuggets and bars from gem loot, fixed TM, added sows and graverobbers, added tactics training to attack section, reduced minimum attunement for Geniebuff to 80%
- loot.cmd: removed nuggets and bars from gem loot
- loot2.cmd: removed nuggets and bars from gem loot
- travel.cmd: fixed error with line beginning with equal sign
December 27, 2012
January 27, 2013
- The following scripts have been updated (at least partially) for DragonRealms 3.0: autoheal, automapper, awaken, base, baselabels, box, boxp, braid, buff, cast, climb, collect, combat, comp, exit, gh_armor, gweth, heal, healb, healmost, healnoob, healscar, healthc, healthl, healthr, healths, hide, hunt, idle, jj, juggle, max, ml, orb, powerc, powerl, powers, row, scrape, sellgems, shiftp, shopc, shopr, shops, sleep, stalk, start, swimbrook, swimford, take, takeb, taked, takemost, taker, tendw, tm, travel, travel2, and yoyo
January 1, 2013
- travel2.cmd: updated to latest version of AutoMapper-based travel script
December 27, 2012
- automapper.cmd: removed #mapper reset (did not work as intended; functionality replaced with Ctrl+G macro)
- travel.cmd: added arrivals and departures to log window
- travel2.cmd: updated to latest version of AutoMapper-based travel script
December 18, 2012
- automapper.cmd: added updates from Genie map repository
November 19, 2012
- elanth.cmd: added more recognition of item types and materials
- shopc.cmd: fixed bug that sometimes caused script to hang when shops are unoccupied
- shopr.cmd: fixed bug that sometimes caused script to hang when shops are unoccupied
- shops.cmd: fixed bug that sometimes caused script to hang when shops are unoccupied
November 10, 2012
- automapper.cmd: added #mapper reset for when this AutoMapper feature is implemented
- elanth.cmd: added recognition of more item types; shortened pauses by half a second
- eshop.cmd: shortened pauses by half a second
- look.cmd: new script
- shop.cmd: new script
- start.cmd: added #mapper reset macro for when this AutoMapper feature is implemented
November 6, 2012
- shop2.cmd: added recognition of more shop surfaces; reduced false matches. See Elanthipedia for documentation.
November 4, 2012
- elanth.cmd: added auto-recognition of Trader "appraisal" items
- eshop.cmd: added "Hider" as a shop type
- shop2.cmd: added recognition of coffers. See Elanthipedia for documentation.
October 29, 2012
- boxp.cmd: added Azarael's edits
- takeb.cmd: new script
- taked.cmd: new script
- takemost.cmd: new script
- taker.cmd: new script
October 18, 2012
- hunt.cmd: added albredine rings to "collectible" loot
- tdp.cmd: removed obsolete new TDP proposal from 2010
October 11, 2012
- gemt.cmd: script now whispers tip explanation to the Trader (as opposed to saying it aloud)
- shopc.cmd: added time stamp to shop list
- shopr.cmd: added time stamp to shop list
- shops.cmd: added time stamp to shop list
October 7, 2012
- eshop.cmd: added more store types to the template
October 6, 2012
- boxp.cmd: tweaked default settings and some match tables
September 19, 2012
- shift.cmd: Replaced old script with menu-based shifting script
September 12, 2012
- gemt.cmd: Script uses the first "pouch" in your pack (instead of the first "gem pouch")
September 7, 2012
- travel.cmd: Slightly increased swimming skill checks for swimming the Faldesu
September 5, 2012
- herb.cmd: Script is now compatible with the new stackable herb pouches sold at Foraging Emporium. (If you use something other than an herb pouch, replace "herb pouch" with your container.) This modification was required, because when "leaf" herbs are stacked, they show up as "leaves," but the noun is still "leaf."
- herbp.cmd: Script is now compatible with the new stackable herb pouches sold at Foraging Emporium. (If you use something other than an herb pouch, replace "herb pouch" with your container.) This modification was required, because when "leaf" herbs are stacked, they show up as "leaves," but the noun is still "leaf."
September 2, 2012
- hunt.cmd: Script no longer picks up crossbow bolts as a collectible
- loot.cmd: Script no longer picks up crossbow bolts as a collectible
- loot2.cmd: Script no longer picks up crossbow bolts as a collectible
August 27, 2012
- travel.cmd: Shortened pauses between "common knowledge" messages so that the script gets off of the ferry in time. Added duration of crossings. Fixed messaging about how long the gondola takes to cross. Corrected misusage of "capitol.")
August 20, 2012
- boxp.cmd: added Azarael's edits
August 18, 2012
- gemt.cmd: replaced gem pouch with pouch (since not all gem pouches use the adjective "gem")
- reg.cmd: script now checks whether an item needs to be registered, and if so, unregisters and registers it
August 12, 2012
- boxp.cmd: added Azarael's edits to open others' boxes as they are handed to you
- braid.cmd:replaced with drtyprior's standalone braiding script
- exit.cmd:new script
August 5, 2012
- automapper.cmd: fixed treasure map mode to accommodate multiple map adjectives
- sellgems.cmd: script no longer hangs when other gem pouches are on the floor
- store.cmd: script no longer hangs when other gem pouches are on the floor
July 31, 2012
- automapper.cmd: treasure map mode and other changes from Genie users